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Technology introduction of cold core box ejection machine:
The cold core box coring machine is to compress the molding sand into the core box by the sudden expansion of the compressed air (the required sand is fully mixed in proportion to the required component resin before sand shooting), and then the three ethylamine gas is blown into the core box by the blowing device to make it solidified into sand molding machine. Through this process, the molding, the core without heating, the curing speed is fast, the casting surface is bright and clean and the precision is high. This process represents the mainstream of the core technology, and has been used in the developed countries in the West for nearly 50 years. It is said that around sixty percent of the sand cores in the world are made by cold box process. In 1970s, the cold core box technology was introduced and adopted in China. By 90s, with the improvement of the domestic level of the core making equipment and the gradual maturity and promotion of the production level of the foundry material, the cold core box core processing technology began to develop rapidly and was well known and accepted by the vast number of users. At present, it has been widely used in foundries of automobiles, parts, engines, valves, power fittings and other industries.
  1. 电话:0312-3013660
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  5. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区西三环工业区
  6. 备案号:冀ICP备18002375号

版权 © 保定市乐通机械设备科技有限公司(原名:德州市凯业机械设备有限公司)  推荐:垂直造型线,静压造型线,自动浇注机,半自动浇注机  网站制作:保定遨游公司