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According to the different process requirements of the core box, there are two kinds of working methods to choose: (1) without compressed air, only the grinding liquid is supplied by the grinding pump, and the nozzle is accelerated through the nozzle to the washed mold. It is suitable for regular cleaning and maintenance of core boxes. At the same time, the grinding fluid system and the compressed air system start at the same time, providing the abrasive and compressed air to the spray gun at the same time, making it mixed in the spray gun and spraying gas and grinding fluid through the nozzle to the mold surface at high speed. Because of the working mode of gas and pump, the air and the grinding fluid have greater pressure, and the kinetic energy of the grinding fluid is increased, and the cleaning ability of the core box is improved (mainly for the cleaning of the resin fouling on the surface of the core box).
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  5. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区西三环工业区
  6. 备案号:冀ICP备18002375号

版权 © 保定市乐通机械设备科技有限公司(原名:德州市凯业机械设备有限公司)  推荐:垂直造型线,静压造型线,自动浇注机,半自动浇注机  网站制作:保定遨游公司