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Solution of hole in hot core box running sand
1.1 core box core making
Fast hardening, high productivity, high sand core strength, accurate size, good surface collapsibility, simple process, easy automation, suitable for mass production. Because of the advantages of hot core box making, WD615 core water core of our plant is selected as the main equipment of the workshop. After the core machine was put into operation, it greatly contributed to the improvement of casting quality and output. But with the increase of production, some problems that restrict the quality and yield of sand core also begin to appear. The core box has high utilization rate, equipment problems, core sand quality and operator's operation level. There are some problems in the production of hot box core making. For example, the core box running sand increases the frequency of repair core box, which has an impact on the core production and core quality. When the production task is tight, once the mold is repaired, it may cause the whole production line to stop production. How can we solve it? After a long observation, I was running sand as the core box because of the poor mold clamping and poor ventilation.
1.2 specific solutions.
When the tooling is not strict, adjusting the tooling or equipment can completely solve the problem.

In sand shooting, the core sand is ejected into the core cavity under the action of high pressure sand air flow. Most of the air flow is discharged from the original exhaust plug or exhaust duct in the tooling. Part of the discharge is less than that of the core box. The most direct solution is to weld and repair the worn parts, but it can not solve the core of running sand again. How to solve the problem thoroughly, so I thought of the way of adding an exhaust plug. The specific method is to add a suitable amount of exhaust plug to the surface of the sand near the running place. As in figure A, all the residual gas in the easy run sand part is discharged. The one-time repair and transformation has solved the problem of sand running in the core box, and reduced the repair times and maintenance costs of the core box.
  1. 电话:0312-3013660
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  4. 网址:www.kaiyejixie.com.cn
  5. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区西三环工业区
  6. 备案号:冀ICP备18002375号

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