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1, first of all, we have to fold down the shooting sand head, clean up its sand and sand, remember that we must clean it up for the next use.
2, we also need to clean the sand in the exhaust plug. When cleaning, we must clean it carefully.
3, we have to clear the sand on the gate, and smear stone toner on the gate to reduce friction.
4. We also need to remove dust and sand on the guide rail and guide bar and apply a layer of lubricating oil. Double station core ejection machine
5, we also need to take down the shooting barrel, remove the sticky sand in the gap, and finally use paraffin to wipe the inner wall, but do not clog the gap.
6, in the end, we operate various electrical switches to restore the original equipment to the original location, and then cut off the power and gas source.

Application of core ejection machine in superposition casting
The application of core shooting machine in stacking casting uses core shooting machine for core making and core forming. When the mold is closed, the vertical stacking core is used to form the stacking gating system. With high forming strength and good fluidity, it can make sand cores with complicated shape. The surface quality of sand core is good, its collapsibility is good, and castings are easy to clean.
The core shooter is a machine that suddenly expands the compressed air and shoots the core sand into the core box. The injection molding machine is designed to compress the molding sand evenly into the sand box before compacting with compressed air, and then compress it with pressure. The core shooting machine commonly has vertical parting and no box shooting and core shooting machine and horizontal parting and debox core shooting machine. Double station core ejection machine
Core shooting and core molding are made by using the core shooting machine. The production efficiency is high, the mold is easy to be taken, and the size accuracy of the sand mold is high. The pouring system composed of core type superposition has large bearing pressure, strong filling force, high yield and high yield. At the same time, the production cost is reduced and the high precision small castings can be produced in mass production.
  1. 电话:0312-3013660
  2. 传真:0312-3013660
  3. 手机:18233233061
  4. 网址:www.kaiyejixie.com.cn
  5. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区西三环工业区
  6. 备案号:冀ICP备18002375号

版权 © 保定市乐通机械设备科技有限公司(原名:德州市凯业机械设备有限公司)  推荐:垂直造型线,静压造型线,自动浇注机,半自动浇注机  网站制作:保定遨游公司