⑴加热芯盒 芯盒用电或煤气加热。芯盒的加热温度由壳芯砂粘结剂、需要的壳厚、结壳时间和硬化时间等因素确定,一般为260~280℃。
The box core box of the heating core is heated by electricity or gas. The heating temperature of the core box is determined by the factors such as core sand binder, shell thickness, crust time and hardening time, etc. Generally, it is 260 ~ 280 C.
⑵吹砂 壳芯砂的流动性好,因此吹砂斗内只需通入0.1~0.3MPa的低压压缩空气进行吹砂,并在一定时间内(1~3s)保持压力。掌握好吹砂压力和保持时间适当,有利于获得轮廓清晰、完整和光洁的砂芯。
(2) sand blowing sand core sand fluidity is good, so the sand blowing bucket only need to enter the 0.1~0.3MPa low pressure compressed air to blow sand, and in a certain time (1~3s) to maintain pressure. Good control of sand blowing pressure and holding time is beneficial to obtain clear, intact and clean sand cores.
⑶结壳 吹砂结束后,吹砂斗停留一段时间进行结壳,结壳时间一般为15~50s,壳厚按需要而定,一般为3~10mm。
_Aftersand blowing, the sand blowing bucket stays for a period of time to crust. The crust time is generally 15-50s, and the shell thickness is generally 3-10mm.
⑷倒出余砂 达到规定的结壳厚度后,降砂斗翻转180°,将未曾结壳的中心部分芯砂倒回吹砂斗。然后作左、右45°的摇摆,以倒净未结壳的芯砂。
_Whenthe remaining sand reaches the required crust thickness, the bucket flips 180 degrees, and the core sand of the center part without crust is reversed to the sand blowing bucket. Then the left and right 45 degree swings are used to pour out the core sand without crust.
⑸硬化 将已结壳而尚处于塑性状态的薄壳继续加热一段时间,使塑性薄壳完全硬化。硬化时间视壳厚而定,一般为2min左右。
Hardening will continue to heat the thin shell, which is already in a plastic state, for a period of time, so that the plastic shell can be completely hardened. The hardening time depends on the thickness of the shell, generally around 2min.
⑹顶芯、取芯 硬化结束,高强度的薄壳砂芯已经制成,可从芯盒中顶出,用人工或专用工具取出待用。
Core, core hardening, high-strength thin shell sand core has been made, can be ejected from the core box, with artificial or special tools to remove for use.