The core of shell core mechanism should be paid attention to:
1) 加砂前,壳芯盒内应喷涂分型剂。
1) spray molding agent should be sprayed in the core box before adding sand.
2) 加砂时,应先往砂斗内加少量砂,一般砂量深度距射砂口多少应按工艺规定的要求,加砂过多则壳芯机易产生缩脖,过少易使壳芯机吹不成。
2) when the sand is added, a small amount of sand should be added to the sand bucket first.
3) 应根据壳芯的大小赫然结构严格掌握每个壳芯制造的吹砂、结壳、排出余砂、硬化、顶出壳芯等环节的时间。
3) according to the size and size of the shell core, we must
strictly control the time of blowing, crusting, discharging sand,
hardening, ejecting core and so on.